Child development foundation (CDF) attended Youth Leader Exchange Program with His Holiness Dali Lama in India, which organized by United State Institute of Peace (USIP) from 01 to 10 November 2017.
CDF Sub-office in West Darfur, Programme officer, Mr. Mubarak Musa, who attended the Program in India, said the Youth Leader Exchange Program helped the youth leaders develop their conflict management and leadership skills, while expanding their ability to work across religious and cultural communities. He mentioned that the opportunity to gather with peers from across the globe is an unprecedented source of shared knowledge, inspiration and strength to bolster and renew their own work. Musa said that His Holiness Dalai Lama spent two days conferring with youth leaders, offering both practical guidance and inspiration for their struggles against violence, prejudice and extremism.
The youth leaders’ engagement with each other and His Holiness Dalai Lama also strengthened the impact of USIP’s Generation Change Fellows Program. Generation Change is USIP’s main, program for training and supporting youth leaders in a dozen countries afflicted by civil war, violent or conflict.